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The Sherlock Holmes Review
2023 Sherlockian Annual

Edited by Steven Doyle

Canonical Cornertones
Foundational Books of a Sherlockian Library

Edited by Peter Eckrich and Rob Nunn

Sherlock Holmes: Immortal Detective
Selected Writings of Donald A. Redmond

Edited by Christopher Redmond

Sherlock Holmes and Conan Doyle in the Newspapers
Volume 6: October 1894

Edited and Annotated by Mattias Boström and Mark Alberstat

The Sherlock Holmes Review
2022 Sherlockian Annual

Edited by Steven Doyle

The Finest Assorted Collection
Essays on Collecting Sherlock Holmes

Edited by Peter Eckrich and Rob Nunn

The Sherlock Holmes Review
2021 Sherlockian Annual

Edited by Steven Doyle

The Sherlock Holmes Review
Anthology Volume Two - 1988-1990

Steven Doyle, Publisher

Sherlock Holmes and Conan Doyle in the Newspapers
Vol. 5: July - September 1894

Edited and Annotated by Mattias Boström, Mark Alberstat and Leah Guinn

The Sherlock Holmes Review
Anthology Volume One - 1986-1987

Steven Doyle, Publisher

The Milvertonians of Hampstead Forgotten Writings from The Worst Men in London
Introduced, Collated and Edited by Nicholas Utechin

Sherlock Holmes and Conan Doyle in the Newspapers
Vol. 4: January - June 1894

By Mattias Boström, Mark Alberstat, Leah Guinn and Matt Laffey

The Complete Paget Portfolio:
Every Sherlock Holmes Illustration
by Sidney Paget
Reproduced Directly from The Strand Magazine,
Including the Surviving Original Artwork (NEW!)

By Nicholas Utechin

Baker Street Reveries
Sherlockian Writings 2006-2016

By Leslie S. Klinger

70 Years By Gas Lamp
The Illustrious Clients' Sixth Casebook

Sherlock Holmes and Conan Doyle in the Newspapers
Volume 3: July - December 1893

By Mattias Boström and Matt Laffey

Unmitigated Bleat
Selected Writings on Sherlock Holmes

By Paul D. Herbert


This title is out of print.

Sherlock Holmes and Conan Doyle in the Newspapers
Volume 2: January - June 1893

By Mattias Boström and Matt Laffey

A Quick Succession of Subjects
Lectures and Speeches on Sherlock Holmes

By Christopher Redmond

A Curious Collection of Dates:
Through the Year with Sherlock Holmes

By Leah Guinn and Jaime N. Mahoney

Sherlock Holmes and Conan Doyle in the Newspapers
Volume 1: 1881-1892

By Mattias Boström and Matt Laffey

One Fixed Point in a Changing Age:
A New Generation on Sherlock Holmes

Edited by Manente, Fleischhack, Roy & Blumenberg

The Strand Magazine & Sherlock Holmes
by Robert Veld

"Occasionally to Embellish":
Some Writings on Sherlock Holmes

by Nicholas Utechin

Ronald Knox and Sherlock Holmes: The Origins of Sherlockian Studies
Edited, with an introduction by Michael J. Crowe


This title is out of print.

Sherlockian Heresies
by Léo Sauvage
Edited, with an Introduction by Julie McKuras & Susan Vizoskie


This title is out of print.

Sherlock Holmes, Conan Doyle and The Bookman
Edited and Annotated by S.E. Dahlinger and Leslie S. Klinger

The Private Life of Sherlock Holmes
75th Anniversary Edition

By Vincent Starrett
Edited by Ray Betzner


This hard cover limited edition is sold out. Check back for a new, soft-cover edition of this title soon.

Baker Street Rambles
By Leslie S. Klinger

Cases of Identity
By David Hammer

The Complete Baker Street Ballads
By Charles E. Lauterbach
Illustrated by Henry Lauritzen

The Serpentine Musings, Vol. 2
Suzan Z. Diamond, Marilynne Mckay, Editors

The Illustrious Clients Second Case-Notes
Steven Doyle & Mark Gagen, Editors

The Illustrious Clients Fourth Casebook
S. Doyle, M. Gagen & W. Barton, Editors

Commanding Views from the Empty House
William Cochran & Gordon Speck, Editors

David Hammer's series of travel books identify actual sites throughout England and Europe which correspond with the settings of the Sherlock Holmes stories. Profusely illustrated, they are the definitive books on the subject.

A Dangerous Game
By David Hammer

A Deep Game: The Travelers' Guide to the London of Sherlock Holmes
By David Hammer
